Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Photo Final -- Sense of place in Berkeley / Oakland

 All of these photos were taken around 2:30 in the afternoon on December 29th, 2012. I used my Nikon D5000 with a 15mm-52mm lens. I am fairly happy with the outcome of this shoot and the outcome of the edits. I enjoyed going to Berkeley and Oakland to capture these photos as I often like a change in scenery and the difference in environment compared to Pleasant Hill or Walnut Creek.

This man was just riding around town with a parrot on the handlebars of his bike, I thought it was pretty interesting and I am fairly satisfied with the capture. I edited this in Lightroom and didn't do much other than crop to an 8x10 and change to a black and white.

I took this photo in Oakland as I was driving around town. I think this little market perfectly showed the vibe of the whole surrounding areas. I like this photo as it has a kind of old school look to me. I believe this could be improved, yet I still think it's a good quality output. I did minor editing in Lightroom which includes cropping to an 8x10 and adjusting to a black and white.

I am very very satisfied with this photo. I really like the angle, the contrast, and the lines which are apparent throughout the image. This woman was somewhat intimidating to me and I didn't want to confront her and her daughter. Yet I thought the was they were walking down Telegraph in Berkeley was great, and I had to capture it. I actually took this photo behind me as I was walking ahead of them. I am very pleased with the outcome of this photograph overall. I did some small editing in Lightroom to crop the image to an 8x10, to increase the fill light slightly, and to convert the photo to black and white.

I think this photo turned out really well. This was shot in Berkeley right off of Telegraph. This man was walking across the street and i really wanted to get a picture of him. Right when I turned to capture this image he stopped and looked directly at the camera, it was great. I cropped out some distractions and made this an 8x10 in Lightroom and made the output black and white.

This is my favorite capture out of this six photo portfolio. I love the old school feel of this image. I like the contrast, the lines, the simplicity, and everything else. I took this photo while sitting at a stoplight on the way home from Berkeley, I am so happy that I saw this "'Lectric Washouse" so I could capture it. I cropped it slightly to 8x10 and made it a black and white in Lightroom.

This was shot on a little side street in Oakland. These houses were bright colors, full of oranges, greens, and purples. I am really happy with the output and the reflections of the sky in the windows. This man, and another, were hosing down the street and cleaning it up late in the afternoon. I think that this photo wonderfully describes this whole neighborhood as it is kind of an older, laid back area in Oakland. I cropped some distractions out of this image, made it 8x10, and converted it to black and white in Lightroom.