Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Nice to Meet You.

All photos for this project were taken on the College Park campus, using College Park High School students.
This is Danielle Chapman, a senior at College Park. This was captured in Mr. Furtado's math class.

This is Nobuki Fujioka, a senior at College Park at well. This picture was captured in D Hall.

Jackie Dolan, senior at College Park is enjoying her last few days of high school.

Clare Alden, a senior at College Park, is captured here preparing to go to her DVAL swim meet.

Senior at College Park, Daniel Bodishbaugh, is relaxing in the dugout after a long day of baseball practice.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Color Efex Pro

This edit was done using Color Efex Pro. I first used a Film Efex: Modern filter, then a Sunlight filter, and then lastly, Image Borders. The texture in the photo and the colors were enhanced to create this final product.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Silver Efex Pro

This is done with the Silver Efex Pro using the vintage finlter and a vignette. I really like how this turns out like an actual vintage photo. This program is super easy to use and I am very satisfied with the outcome of this image.

Friday, April 19, 2013


ISO 200 18mm f/18 30.0 sec
This photo is of the park along E Cabrillo Blvd along the beach. 
I took this photo at about 10:00 pm. I did minor editing in Lightroom which includes adjusting the exposure and contrast, and cropping.

ISO 200 18mm f/4.5 30.0 sec
This photo is of the boardwalk/pier at the end of State St in Santa Barbara. I also shot this around 10:00 pm. I did minor editing in Lightroom which includes adjusting the exposure and contrast after using a preset filter, and then cropping.

ISO 200 28 mm f/22 8.0 sec
I took this photo looking west from the overpass over Highway 24 in Lafayette. I took this photo at about 8:15 pm. I did minor editing in Lightroom to adjust exposure and contrast and used a preset filter, then cropped to a 5x7.

ISO 200 55 mm f/25 30.0 sec
This photo was taken from the Lafayette overpass over Highway 24 looking east toward Mt Diablo. I took this photo at about 8:25 pm. I did minor editing in Lightroom which includes adjusting the exposure and contrast levels, and then cropping to a 5x7.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Mt. Diablo Landscapes

I captured all of these images at Lime Ridge Open Space. I walked around for about 45 minutes and ended up with some really great captures. ALL images include only minor editing to enhance contrast and increase the detail, the goal of this project was to accurately represent the space without any editing that alters the natural image. I am fairly happy with these photos, yet, I am looking to re-shoot these photos at a future date. I went at about 5:15 pm, and in the future in order to obtain more dramatic lighting, I will choose a later time and most likely a different location such as Mt. Diablo. My favorite photo in this set is the fourth one, with the vulture flying over the path; I really like the sky, and also how the trail leads the eye to the bird. I also like the sixth and final picture and how the eye is forced to follow the con trail and also the hiking path to meet in the middle of the image. I am very happy with the dramatic greens and blues which appear in these images.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

HDR Practice

This is a composite of three images, of the quad at CPHS. Using a Nikon D600, I shot the images, and created the overlay in HDR Efex Pro 2.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

City Life

I captured these images in Berkeley, which similar to my "Sense of Place in Berkeley" project I used for my final. Yet, the goal of this class project was to capture images of City Life in the local Bay Area.

In this photo, I just used minor editing in Lightroom including converting to black and white and cropping to a 5x7. This homeless man was leaning against the wall and people watching in Berkeley.

I also only did minor editing in this photo of a man looking at Nike's in a store in Berkeley.

I did minor editing in this photo and also used the brush tool in Lightroom to burn and dodge certain areas in this picture of the Amoeba Music store in Berkeley.

This is my favorite shot from this city life project, I only used minor editing in Lightroom, and I am very happy with the outcome.

I used minor editing to crop and to covert to a black and white to show this picture. This is a fence in the foreground with a lady talking to a parking meter-monitor in the background.

These are two doors to a large house, which was a duplex, in North Oakland. I used minor editing in Lightroom to create this final shot.

Surreal Cars

This project, I captured surrealism in cars. By using Photoshop, and Lightroom I edited the pictures to create some surreal images.

In this photo, I used an overlay in Photoshop to create the photo above.

I did the same thing in this photo as I did in the previous. I think this photo is very American and could even be used as an advertisement for Chevrolet in the USA!

In Photoshop I used a clipping mask, a layer mask, and many layers to overlay two images and make it look as if there was a city street in the place of the grille on the 1969 SS Chevy Camaro.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Photo Final -- Sense of place in Berkeley / Oakland

 All of these photos were taken around 2:30 in the afternoon on December 29th, 2012. I used my Nikon D5000 with a 15mm-52mm lens. I am fairly happy with the outcome of this shoot and the outcome of the edits. I enjoyed going to Berkeley and Oakland to capture these photos as I often like a change in scenery and the difference in environment compared to Pleasant Hill or Walnut Creek.

This man was just riding around town with a parrot on the handlebars of his bike, I thought it was pretty interesting and I am fairly satisfied with the capture. I edited this in Lightroom and didn't do much other than crop to an 8x10 and change to a black and white.

I took this photo in Oakland as I was driving around town. I think this little market perfectly showed the vibe of the whole surrounding areas. I like this photo as it has a kind of old school look to me. I believe this could be improved, yet I still think it's a good quality output. I did minor editing in Lightroom which includes cropping to an 8x10 and adjusting to a black and white.

I am very very satisfied with this photo. I really like the angle, the contrast, and the lines which are apparent throughout the image. This woman was somewhat intimidating to me and I didn't want to confront her and her daughter. Yet I thought the was they were walking down Telegraph in Berkeley was great, and I had to capture it. I actually took this photo behind me as I was walking ahead of them. I am very pleased with the outcome of this photograph overall. I did some small editing in Lightroom to crop the image to an 8x10, to increase the fill light slightly, and to convert the photo to black and white.

I think this photo turned out really well. This was shot in Berkeley right off of Telegraph. This man was walking across the street and i really wanted to get a picture of him. Right when I turned to capture this image he stopped and looked directly at the camera, it was great. I cropped out some distractions and made this an 8x10 in Lightroom and made the output black and white.

This is my favorite capture out of this six photo portfolio. I love the old school feel of this image. I like the contrast, the lines, the simplicity, and everything else. I took this photo while sitting at a stoplight on the way home from Berkeley, I am so happy that I saw this "'Lectric Washouse" so I could capture it. I cropped it slightly to 8x10 and made it a black and white in Lightroom.

This was shot on a little side street in Oakland. These houses were bright colors, full of oranges, greens, and purples. I am really happy with the output and the reflections of the sky in the windows. This man, and another, were hosing down the street and cleaning it up late in the afternoon. I think that this photo wonderfully describes this whole neighborhood as it is kind of an older, laid back area in Oakland. I cropped some distractions out of this image, made it 8x10, and converted it to black and white in Lightroom.